We give thanks
For those who first saw a need and created a Food Shelf
at the St. James Church where this need was attended to for so long.
For all the volunteers who make this food shelf run, unload, stack the shelves,
shop to find the best posibilities for what we might offer
and make the numbers add up with some degree of sustainability-
For all those who allowed this move to this new
space to take place
For all these who support this effort with their gifts and donations.
We give thanks
And give voice to this hope.
That within this space, upon these shelves,
People will find not just food, although we hope they will always find that in some abundance.
But that they will also find a community’s answer
to the fear that so many know…many who may never come through this door
the fear of “What if I fell on hard times?”
“What if I ran out?”
“What if I was hungry and had nowhere to go?”
May everyone in our community and beyond, know that
upon these shelves
and within this space, at least,
they will find an answer to that fear
a generous and unequivocal
“We will be
here for you , we will take care
of each other.”
And so may this Community Food Shelf be in so many ways
our assurance to each other that within this community
kindness and consideration are always stronger than fear.
So Be It