- We are on the cusp of the holiday season, where, for so many families in our community, it is the onset of a season of increased need and uncertainty. The Vermont Food Bank reports that one in four families in Vermont are struggling even more during this trying time of continuing pandemic and anxiety; some having no idea where the next meal is coming from, let alone how to afford the makings for Thanksgiving.
- With your help, the WCFS Thanksgiving Project will again provide baskets full of the fixings for a complete Thanksgiving dinner.The Woodstock Community Food Shelf is so thankful to be a part of such a warm, embracing community, one which, although small in numbers, is enormous in spirit and generosity. We are so very grateful for your past and continuing support as we call upon you once again to assist in making this Thanksgiving brighter for the anticipated 150 plus Vermont families who seek our help in providing Thanksgiving dinner for their loved ones.
- If you would like to donate nonperishable food for the baskets, Wednesday,November 10 is the deadline for food donations.
- A typical Thanksgiving basket for a family of 4, for example, would include: A frozen turkey in the14 pound range; stuffing mix; canned gravy; canned cranberry sauce; piecrust and quick bread mix; and canned pie fillings. Extras might include nuts, pickles, or olives.
- WCFS will purchase fresh produce closer to the Saturday, November 20, the basket distribution date. We have storage space for the non-perishable items only. Please note:freezer space is very limited for turkeys and it is helpful to us if that donation is made in the form of cash. Just $16 will buy a frozen turkey, while the average cost of a complete basket is around $35.00.
- As always, any donation is very welcome, and may be made at any time. Checks should be made payable to the ‘Woodstock Community Food Shelf’ with Thanksgiving written in the memo field.
- Checks may be mailed to our mailing address: Woodstock Community Food Shelf, PO 570, Woodstock, VT 05091
- Donations can be made through Pay Pal at www.woodstockfoodshelf.org
Food Shelf News
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