WCFS Stats

Recent monthly averages: 241 guest visits; 568 served in households; 116 families served

Did you know these averages, over ten months represent 42668 non-perishable food  items  and 7221 perishable items? Each family shops for about 20 items each visit and can come every week. The quota per visit represents about 50 % of a family’s food for one week.

The food shelf depends on donations of food and cash, and produce supplied by local gardeners and merchants. We buy items that are perishable such as meat (some is free from the Vermont Foodbank)  milk, cheese and eggs (some are donated by people with chickens). We also buy items as needed to stock the shelves.

Donate to the Woodstock Community Food Shelf
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Food Wishlist
  • pasta
  • spaghetti sauce
  • hot and cold cereal
  • canned tuna
  • canned soups and stews (preferable low sodium)
  • canned fruit and vegetables (preferably low sugar and low salt)
  • peanut butter
  • coffee
  • baked beans
  • boxed macaroni & cheese