Blog Archives

Food Drive with Santa

On Sunday, December 10 the Village Butcher Shop asked Santa to help the Woodstock Food Shelf collect extra food for families in need this winter. According to George Raciot of the Village Butcher Shop, “Everyone should be mindful of the needs

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Harvest for Hunger Project

Thank you to the Woodstock Farmer’s Market for donating fresh produce throughout the winter months for so many years.  Here is what they have to say this year. “Harvest for Hunger:  when we see hundreds of dollars of FRESH PRODUCE

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MYSis helps the Thanksgiving Day Food Shelf Drive

We are so thankful for the MISys employee donations delivered to the annual Thanksgiving Day Food Shelf drive.  There were bags filled with stuffing mix, potatoes, carrots, pie crust, pie filling, broth, gravy, onions, squash and of course, cranberry sauce. 

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Woodstock Athletic Center

The food keeps rolling in from the Woodstock Athletic Center.  The first delivery of 42 pounds of food was delivered on December 1.  The items included baby food, lots of small bottles of catsup and mustard, pasta, and even cookies. 

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St. James Red Bag Project

Once again St. James Church delivered red bags full of food, amounting to 140 pounds, to help feed our neighbors. This project is done a few times a year, with a large assortment of food being donated. Thanks once again for the food, the delivery to

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Thanksgiving Project

Once again, the Woodstock Community Food Shelf has completed its annual Thanksgiving Project. The planning for this event starts in July.  Canned good are bought,( think cranberry sauce, pie fillings, stuffing, and gravy.)  The week before  the event, produce (potatoes, turnips, onions) is donated

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Shir Shalom Food Drive

Once again, Shir Shalom has donated 2 full carloads of food to the Woodstock Community Food Shelf to be shared with the Reading Food Shelf.  Photos would not do justice to the 47 bags of non perishable food and personal hygiene items

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SOAK visits the Food Shelf

During their month long program, campers from SOAK visited the Food Shelf twice.  The first visit was to find out what the Food Shelf is all about, how it works, who comes and the services that the Food Shelf provides.  

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Brown Bag Bonanza

The Woodstock Community Food Shelf took in almost 100 pounds of food donated during the Brown Bag concerts, sponsored by Pentangle.  The bags don’t look all that interesting, but oh!  what is inside.  Pasta, peanut butter, tuna fish and other goodies

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Red Bags from St. James

The red bags have arrived.  Sixteen bags packed with all kinds of goodies, taco seasoning, cereal, pretzels, canned soups and vegetables, and even  personal care items;  the list goes on and on. The total was over 214 pounds.  Thank you St. James, the

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Food Wishlist
  • pasta
  • spaghetti sauce
  • hot and cold cereal
  • canned tuna
  • canned soups and stews (preferable low sodium)
  • canned fruit and vegetables (preferably low sugar and low salt)
  • peanut butter
  • coffee
  • baked beans
  • boxed macaroni & cheese