We had a very successful day at the Food Shelf today.
Guests arrived, were greeted and were asked to wait in their cars. Once signed-in, they were one by one were allowed to exit their cars, and come to a tables set up outside the Food Shelf.
No guests entered the building.
We gave our guests pre-bagged selections of non-perishable food, milk, cheese, eggs and butter, and meat.
They we able to choose which veggies from a list outside, that we updated as we ran out.
We will be fully re-stocked for Wednesday.
Big, big thank you to Mary Riley, Sheila Murray, Barb Leonard and Greg Greene, who pre-bagged all the food, greeted the guests, registered the guests, distributed it, and helped clean up at the end of the day. An especially big thank you to Judi Greene who successfully organized and directed the operation.
What a great team we have!
March 16, at the FS
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