Prepackaged bags of food are ready for guests who come to the Food Shelf on Wednesday, March 18. We are open from 1 to 3. If you have questions or concerns, please call the food shelf at 457-1185.
Prepackaged bags of food are ready for guests who come to the Food Shelf on Wednesday, March 18. We are open from 1 to 3. If you have questions or concerns, please call the food shelf at 457-1185.
We had a very successful day at the Food Shelf today. Guests arrived, were greeted and were asked to wait in their cars. Once signed-in, they were one by one were allowed to exit their cars, and come to a…
The regular WCFS hours are Monday 4-6 PM, Wednesday 1-3 PM, and Saturday 10-12 PM. We are located on Maxham Meadow Way just off route 4 past Spooners in Woodstock. At this time we advise visitors to call the FS at…
The Windsor Central Unified District (WCUD) School Nutrition Program is proud to bring the VeggieVanGo program to the Windsor Central Supervisory Union (WCSU) Campus starting on Thursday, February 6th at 9:15am. VeggieVanGo is a program of the Vermont Foodbank, a…
The people, all volunteers, who run the school outreach program shop once a month, filling two cars with food. The National Honor Society at Woodstock High school sorts the food into bins that are then brought to local elementary schools,…
Once again Shir Shalom did a food drive during Chanukah. They collected 18 bags of groceries, personal care products and specialty items, like cake mixes. The Hebrew School children made their own Chanukiah with tuna cans and boxes of pasta.…
This program goes by many names, “backpack program”, “healthy helpings”, all of which give a clue to what we do. Many students are food insecure. They can get reduced or free lunches at school, but on the weekends, they may…
One thousand pounds delivered to our door! Dennis Shillen and TV Station 22 collaborated with Hannafords in Rutland to collect 1000 pounds of food. Snow delayed the delivery of food, but when it arrived we filled every nook and cranny…
Thanks to all the people and businesses who donated time, money, and food. Through November 30, 2018, on average, we served over 221 guests per month. Our donations came from food drives from St. James, Shir Shalom, the US Post…
On December 17, the Woodstock Home and Hardware hosted a meeting with Santa. Canned goods were collected for the food bank. Thanks WH&H.