On May 22, the Woodstock Post Office delivered over 260 pounds of food. Everything from pasta to tuna to canned vegetables, all food that our guests can enjoy. Thanks to everyone in the community who participated, and all the postal…
On May 22, the Woodstock Post Office delivered over 260 pounds of food. Everything from pasta to tuna to canned vegetables, all food that our guests can enjoy. Thanks to everyone in the community who participated, and all the postal…
This is the name of a new endeavor of the Woodstock Food Shelf. Some students in our community do not have enough nutritious food during the weekends. The Food Shelf, with the help of the school counselors, determine who might…
Parishioners from Our Lady of the Snows had a food drive for soup. We received big cans, small cans, tomato, chicken noodle, minestrone, and every kind of soup imaginable. More than 200 cans were collected that weighed in at more than…
Union Arena held a Christmas and Winter food drive during December which yielded over 41 pounds of food and a sizable check. Thanks to all who participated both with food and money.
Chippers helped the Prosper Valley students deliver boxes, then shoveled, and finally delivered a check to the Woodstock Food Bank. That is called multitasking! Thanks for all you do.
nor sleet can keep the St. James food drive from delivering 203 pounds in 39 red bags. Thanks for helping keep the shelves full.
Everywhere you look there are boxes collecting food for the Woodstock Community Food Shelf: at the Norman Williams Library, Woodstock Elementary School, the Village Butcher, Union Arena, Woodstock Athletic Club, Artistree, and People’s Bank, just to name a few. The food…
The Norman Williams Public Library continues their program of food for fines. If you have an overdue book, you can pay your fine with a non-perishable food item. The food collected will be given to the Woodstock Community Food Shelf. Here…
The Woodstock Elementary School collected and donated more than 200 pounds of food to the Food Shelf. They began collecting around Thanksgiving and delivered the food for the December holidays. We received lots of oatmeal, mac and cheese, even pickles. Erin…